Green Practices for a Better World

I offer ecologically sound materials and methods to protect my clients and the natural environment.

  • Veneering to make thrifty use of wood
  • Urban salvaged and recycled woods
  • FSC certified woods
  • Low VOC, low toxicity finishes
  • Formaldehyde-free sheet goods

I use a number of green materials and practices to minimize the impact of my work on the natural environment. Supplies of natural resources that I rely on, in particular certain hard and soft wood species, are dwindling world wide. Many commonly used glues and finishes off-gas and degrade indoor air quality. I believe that using sustainable practices and informing my clients about sound environmental choices are part of my responsibilities as a wood worker who wants to protect the environment that we all share.

Green Practives At Work

The top of this elegant Greene and Greene-inspired desk is formed from a single slab of urban salvaged California Claro walnut.